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Springfield Homestead and The Old Cheese Factory
34 Homestead Road,BERWICK, Casey City
Springfield Homestead and The Old Cheese Factory
34 Homestead Road,BERWICK, Casey City
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Springfield Homestead and The Old Cheese Factory - Physical Description 1
The house is located on top of a hill and is a simple symmetrical villa. A concave verandah with concrete floor surrounds the building on three sides with a skillion to the rear. The roof is slate and internally the ceilings are all lined with beaded pine boards. New window frames have been installed to the original design.
A three-roomed building containing kitchen and wash-house is located a short distance from the rear of the house. A double-door wood stove is a feature of the old kitchen.
The Cheese Factory building was designed to maximise insulation and features a cavity brick wall with a nine inch external wall and an internal wall of half that thickness with galvanised iron wall ties. The pattern of bricklaying is unusual, possibly copied from a British style. (1) The roof is also double-layered for insulation with hardwood shingles beneath a corrugated iron cladding. (2) The eaves are supported by heavy timber brackets which have a decorative effect. At each end of the hip roof a chimney identifies the position of an upper storey fireplace. An outside staircase has been built into the east wall. Windows have been reframed with fixed glass. The carpentry in the upper floor, both floor and ceiling, provides an excellent example of early truss construction. The building has new concrete footings. A brick domed well is located in the carpark to the west of the factory. Next to it is an inoperable hand pump which has been relocated from The Springs. A second well with hand pump is also located at south-east corner of the factory.Sources1. National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Berwick Cheese factory Classification Report, p.3.2. National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Berwick Cheese factory Classification Report, p.1.Springfield Homestead and The Old Cheese Factory - Physical Conditions
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: State
Springfield Cheese FactoryNational Trust
'Altona' Homestead (Formerly 'Laverton' Homestead) and Logan ReserveHobsons Bay City