130 Tuckers Road,CLYDE, Casey City

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Statement of Significance
The outbuildings and the interiors of the house are not significant.
Wilandra is aesthetically significant as a prominent example of a late Victorian Italianate house in the district. it displays architectural features typical of suburban villas of this period. In particular, the Hawthorn brick walls and expansive hipped roof, the pair of bay windows in the front elevation of the house and the encompassing verandah. The sympathetic and replica form and details of the 1980s additions is of no significance. (Criterion E)
The prominent Norfolk Island Pine in the centre of the original circular drive is a prominent and important feature of the property. The original form of the carriage drive from Tuckers Road si a landscape feature of contributory heritage significance to the property. (Criterion E)
Wilandra - Physical Description 1
Wilandra at 130 Tuckers Road, Clyde is a substantial red brick villa of a late Victorian – Italianate design, probably designed between 1885 and 1895. It has been substantially renovated and received extensive sympathetic additions as a result of a major construction campaign from 1986.The roof is a hipped form clad in corrugated galvanised iron (or corrugated zincalum) with two prominent bay windows to the front (north) elevation. A large projecting verandah is constructed across three elevations (east, north and west) with projections coinciding with the bay windows.The house is sited on a rise above Tuckers Road and is concealed from the road by vegetation. The approach to the house is now from the south to the rear of the house, but was originally served by a grand entry culminating in a circular drive at the front (north) elevation of the house. A substantial Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) was planted in the centre of the circular drive and now dominates the vegetation on the property.Like many properties in this district there are large avenues of eucalypts and cypresses planted along boundary and fence lines away from the house.Wilandra - Physical Conditions
Wilandra - Historical Australian Themes
Settling & Working the land
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: LocalCasey - City of Casey Heritage Study: Cranbourne, Knox
Author: Graeme Butler & Associate
Year: 1998
Grading:Clyde Creek Precinct Structure Plan: Heritage Review and Assessments for Clyde and Clyde North
Author: Ray Tonkin
Year: 2014
Grading: Local