Angophora costata
'Chamomile Farm', 79 Emerald-Monbulk Road,, EMERALD VIC 3782 - Property No T12193
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Statement of Significance
Important landmark
Contribution to landscape
Outstanding size
Aesthetic significance
Outstanding example of species
This Smooth-Barked Apple Gum (Angophora costata) is a large, superb specimen. It is beautiful in form and trunk appearance and grows in a place that is important in the local history of Emerald. It was planted by Lyle and Elvie Williams in 1973, soon after the beginnings of "Chamomile Farm', and was well watered in the early years by the discarded water from the buckets of cut flowers awaiting pick-up.This tree was once one of a pair.
'Chamomile Farm' was extablished in 1972 on a 6 acre block of turnip weed and developed into a major nursery, wholesale florist and supplier of herbs and edible flowers to the restaurant industry.
Measurements: 13/06/2012
Spread (m):
Girth (m): 3.5
Height (m): 23.5
Estimated Age (yrs): 39
Condition: Excellent
Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 04/12/2012
Silver Birches (& landscape)Cardinia Shire
Silver BirchesNational Trust