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Victorian Heritage Register
VHR H0371Murrindindi Station is a grazing property within a remnant riverine and grazing landscape located on land bordering the Yea river south of the town of Yea. The present Murrindindi Station is…
Oakley's Road MOORALLA, Southern Grampians Shire
Southern Grampians Shire
The Victoria Lagoon squatting run, located approximately 20kms north-east of Cavendish on the edge of a natural water feature, was taken up by Peter Parton in 1845. It was then taken over by…
HO82 - Melton Valley Golf Course
Yuille Street and Melton Valley Drive MELTON, MELTON SHIRE
Melton City
H7822-2281The Melton Valley Golf Course, Yuille Street, is significant for the variety of locally important historical themes and events that are associated with the place, and with the remnant fabric…
HO124 - Grave, Ruin & Archaeological Site, Former Greenhills Pastoral Station
36-49 O'Connell Avenue TOOLERN VALE, Melton Shire
Melton City
The grave, ruin and archaeological site associated with the former Greenhills pastoral station, situated at 36-49 O'Connell Avenue Toolern Vale, are significant for their association with the…