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Railway Culvert
Victoria Road, SYDENHAM VIC 3037 - Property No 28
Railway Culvert
Victoria Road, SYDENHAM VIC 3037 - Property No 28
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2058 - Brimbank City Council Post-contact Cultural Heritage Study 1997

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Statement of Significance
Statement of Significance
These stone culverts are significant as part of the first Government-built railway line in the colony, the greatest public work in Victoria up to that time. The stone arches, built to carry the rail over local creeks, demonstrates the craftsmanship of stonemasons brought out from England to work on this major undertaking.Show more
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Railway Culvert - Physical Description 1
Finely-executed rock-faced bluestone arch, with projecting voisures and keystone, carrying Melbourne and Murray River Railway over a small creek, Taylors Creek, at Sydenham.Railway Culvert - Physical Conditions
Good, though some graffiti.Railway Culvert - Historical Australian Themes
3 Developing local, regional and national economies
3.8 Moving goods and peopleHeritage Study and Grading
Brimbank - Brimbank City Council Post-contact Cultural Heritage Study
Author: G. Vines
Year: 2000
Grading: State
Callitris glaucophyllaNational Trust
Sydenham Railway StationBrimbank City
Railway CulvertBrimbank City
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