Spotswood Industrial Heritage Precinct
Booker Street, Burleigh Street, Craig Street, Douglas Parade, Francis Street, Hall Street, Hudson Road, Hyde Street, Melbourne Road, Raleigh Street, Simcock Avenue, Stephenson Street and Sutton Street, in Newport, Spotswood and South Kingsville NEWPORT, H

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Statement of Significance
The Newport and Spotswood Industrial Heritage Precinct.
How is it Significant?The Newport and Spotswood Industrial Heritage Precinct is of local historic and social significance to the City of Hobsons Bay.
Why is it Significant?Historically, it is significant as a large early industrial area which demonstrates the importance of Newport and Spotswood as industrial areas since the mid-nineteenth century. The long period of development, which dates from the simplest of secondary processing of product in the 1840s (Raleigh's boiling down works, City of Maribyrnong) and extends into the postwar period of the twentieth century, includes a rich diversity of industries, each illustrating a related era of expansion. It also has strong associations with the early development of railways as many spur lines were created to service the industries. It also illustrates the importance of location in the selection of industrial sites with early industries attracted bythe proximity to river and creek banks.These were seen to provide a water source for meat and wool processing and later to the deep water wharves and rail links allowing heavier industries in other locations. (AHC criterion A4)
Socially, it is significant for its strong associations with the major place of employment for Spotswood and Newport residents over a long period of time. (AHC criterion G1)
On this basis, the following places contribute to the significance of this precinct:
Burleigh Street
- Former Commonwealth Oil Refinery complex (q.v.)
- Shell Oil complex including riveted oil storage tanks & packing sheds (q.v.)
- Ampol oil storage
Douglas Parade
- Oil Wharf site, adjacent to Yarra River
- 410-428 - Former Newport Power Station complex (q.v.)
- 431 - BP Australia Complex (q.v.)
- MMBW Pumping Station & residence (q.v.)
Francis Street
- 29 - Vacuum Oil Company Ltd depot (Former), now Mobil Terminal (q.v.)
Hall Street
- 140 - W. Goetz Sons Ltd offices (former) (q.v.)
- 150 - RVB Products complex (former) (q.v.)
- 184 - Former George Beal soap factory (q.v.)
- Spotswood Railway Station, sidings and spur lines (q.v.)
Hudson Road
- 2-38 - Melbourne Glass Bottle Works (former), later ACI (q.v.)
Hyde Street
- Victorian Meat Preserving Company site, off Hyde Street, Yarraville
McRobert Street
- 1 - WC Thomas Newport Flour Mills (q.v.)
Melbourne Road
- 561-569 Spotswood Railway Workshops (part) & palm trees (q.v.)
Raleigh Street
- 35 - Hugh Lennon Agricultural Implement works (former) (q.v.)
Simcock Avenue
- Riveted storage tanks, Mobil Terminal (former Atlantic Oil & Esso)
Stephenson Street
- 41-59 - McKenzie & Holland Pty Ltd (former), later Westinghouse Brake Australasia (q.v.)
The Strand
- Former steam ferry landing remnants (Melway 56C4)
Please note that some heritage places within this precinct may also have an individual citation in this Study.
Spotswood Industrial Heritage Precinct - Physical Description 1
This large industrial precinct, surrounds the Melbourne to Williamstown railway line in the north-east of the municipality. The main part is situated within the area generally bounded by the Railway to the west, High Street in Newport to the south, the Yarra River to the east and the municipal boundary to the north, which includes some areas on the north side of the West Gate Bridge. The precinct also includes other railway-related industrial development to the west of the railway line in Melbourne Road and McLister Street in Newport or Spotswood and Sutton Street, South Kingsville.
A notable landmark within this area is the Newport MMBW Pumping Station complex, with its distinctive towers with Mansard Roofs in Douglas Parade.
The precinct otherwise includes a variety of large industrial complexes predominantly dating from the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth century, which are interspersed with later development. Typically, the building types include:
- Archaeological sites, where the original industry has long since ceased, but where some remnants may still remain. Examples of this type include:
- Raleigh's Boiling-down Works (former), Whitehall Street, Yarraville (Note: This site is within the City of Maribyrnong)
- Victorian Meat Preserving Company (former), Hyde Street, Yarraville.
- Large sawtoothed factory complexes, clad in corrugated iron, brick or cement sheeting. Sometimes these buildings are associated with more architecturally distinguished office buildings situated on street frontages. Examples include
- Melbourne Glass Bottle Works (former), Hudsons Road, Booker Street, Douglas Parade, Raleigh Street, and Simcock Avenue Spotswood
- RVB Engineering Works, former Bickford Smith, Hall Street, Newport
- McKenzie & Holland Pty Ltd (former), Stephenson Street and Sutton Street, South Kingsville
- Hugh Lennon Agricultural Implement works, part, Raleigh & Hall Street, Spotswood
- W. Goetz Sons Ltd offices & factory complex, former, Hall Street, Spotswood
- Victorian Railways Railway Workshops (former), Melbourne Road, Spotswood
- Victorian Railways Administrative Stores, McLister Street, Spotswood
- Petrochemical complexes including oil storage depots and processing plants. These places typically include large circular steel oil storage tanks, and corrugated iron clad or brick gabled sheds. Examples include
- Shell Oil complex, Burleigh Street, Spotswood
- Mobil Terminal (former Vacuum Oil terminal), Francis Street, Yarraville.
- Oil Wharf site, Yarra River, Douglas Parade, Spotswood
- Mobil Terminal (former Atlantic Oil and Esso), Simcock Avenue, Spotswood
- Commonwealth Oil Refinery Depot (former), Burleigh Street, Spotswood
- Ampol oil storage, Burleigh Street, Spotswood
- BP Australia complex, 431 Douglas Parade, Spotswood
Please refer to the individual citations for many of the above places for a more detailed description.
Infrastructure associated with the industrial development of this area includes railway spurs (many now partly dismantled), oil pipelines, and wharf facilities on the Yarra River and Hobsons Bay.
Spotswood Industrial Heritage Precinct - Usage/Former Usage
On a flat open coastal site which is the southern continuation of the Maribyrnong River industrial precinct, one of the States most important industrial precincts up until World War 1.
Spotswood Industrial Heritage Precinct - Historical Australian Themes
Principal Australian Historical Theme(s)Manufacturing and Processing
Spotswood Industrial Heritage Precinct - Physical Description 2
Melbourne Glass Bottle Works, Shell, C.O.R., Victorian Railways, etc.
Heritage Study and Grading
Hobsons Bay - Hobsons Bay Heritage Study
Author: Hobsons Bay City Council
Year: 2006
Grading: Local
GREENWICH PIERVictorian Heritage Inventory