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Golden Plains Shire
H7622-0051Victorian Heritage Register Contextual History:History of Place: Heritage Inventory History of Site: 1932: original held under Lease No. 8032 by the South Consols Co. 1934: it subsequently…
Golden Plains Shire
National Estate Register: Location of the endemic GREVILLEA STEIGLITZIANA as well as unique site determined plant associations. Endemic genus CHORISTEMON restricted to the Brisbane Ranges…
BANNOCKBURN, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
National Trust: Of local significnace.
Bannockburn Rail Reserve Remnant Grassland
BANNOCKBURN, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
National Estate Register: The remnant is species rich for its size (forty-five native species).
400 Bakers Bridge Road, BANNOCKBURN VIC 3331 - Property No 40050080
Golden Plains Shire
Victorian Heritage Register
VHR H0792Cameron Hill (Later known as Brisbane) is a one and a half storey farmhouse built in stages. The earliest part with its slate roof was most probably constructed in the late 1850s when its…
Also listed in:
Victorian Heritage Register
VHR H1560The Bannockburn Railway Station was constructed for the Victorian Railways in 1862 by DM Barry, on the Geelong-Ballarat Line. It comprises a single storeyed station building with a two…
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Golden Plains Shire
Refer to Precinct Record for further information.
Darriwill Park House and Outbuildings
Steiglitz Road BANNOCKBURN, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
National Estate Register: Darriwill at Moorabool was largely developed by Dr Robert Hope, an eminent Scottish surgeon, western district pastoralist, politician and flour milling…
Rosemond, formerly Somerset Inn.
Teedsdale Road, BANNOCKBURN, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
Place of first shire meetings. National Trust: Some places were classified by the National Trust in the early years without a citation being prepared. These are being gradually reviewed and…
Victor Street BANNOCKBURN, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
The former lock up, Victor Street, Bannockburn, has significance as a rare surviving example of a 19th century bluestone lock up and a physical legacy of early law enforcement in the Golden…
Ballarat Road, BATESFORD, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
Also listed in:
56 Buchter Road, Off Midland Highway, BATESFORD, GOLDEN PLAINS SHIRE
Golden Plains Shire
VHR H0887National Estate Register: Laurence Park was named after Thomas Learmonth's (senior) former holding near Falkirk, Scotland. This simple vernacular homestead is one of the earliest surviving…
56 Buchter Road, off Midland Highway BATESFORD, GOLDEN PLAINS SHIRE
Golden Plains Shire
off Hills Road BATESFORD, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
900 Midland Highway, BATESFORD VIC 3221 - Property No 41750021
Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
VHR H1115National Estate Register: The masonry arch bridge over the Moorabool River at the historic crossing place at Batesford is one of the finest masonry bridge structures in Victoria and one which…
Berringa-Dereel Road BERRINGA, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
H7622-0103Victorian Heritage Register Contextual History:History of Place: Heritage Inventory History of Site: William's Fancy Reef (or Nil Desperandum Reef), Kangaroo (later Berringa), Southern…
Berringa-Dereel Road BERRINGA, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
H7622-0101Victorian Heritage Register Contextual History:History of Place: Heritage Inventory History of Site: BIRTHDAY GOLD MINING COMPANY/ QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY GOLD MINING COMPANY (BIRTHDAY GOLD MINING…
Berringa-Newtown Road, Berringa BERRINGA, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
H7622-0104Victorian Heritage Register Contextual History:History of Place: Heritage Inventory History of Site: BIRTHDAY TUNNEL COMPANY, Berringa 1900: work commenced. A shaft was sunk near the summit…
Cressy Road CAPE CLEAR, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
VHR H1206National Estate Register: Glenfine Homestead, Cressy Road, Cape Clear, is a particularly large homestead, important architecturally within the history of the district and as an illustration…
Glenfine Mining and Homestead Complex
Glenfine Road CAPE CLEAR, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
H7622-0017Victorian Heritage Register Heritage Inventory History of Site: In 1833 Thomas Downie migrated to Australia from Scotland and settled a tract of land in the Creesy district that became known…
Morus Nigra (Black Mulberry) 2, "Naringal"
Lismore Road, "Naringal", Wallinduc,imag CAPE CLEAR, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
National Trust: STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Location or Context; Particularly Old NOTES Thought to have been planted between 1842-47 and probably remnant plantings from the orchard. The major…
Lismore Road CAPE CLEAR, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
National Estate Register: Naringal, Private Cemetery, Cape Clear, is one of the very few private cemeteries in the State and is a unique exposition and record of the pioneering Rowe family…
Pitfield -, Springdallah Road CAPE CLEAR, Golden Plains Shire
Golden Plains Shire
VHR H1702National Estate Register: The cast iron mileposts on the Lismore Scarsdale Road and the Rokewood Skipton Road, installed in the 1870s, are of historical significance for their association…